Fruit And Fruit Juice

Do's (Fruit)
Fruit toppings for cereals and fruit as an accompaniment to any meal, especially breakfast, is excellent. Fruit is not only acceptable, it is highly recommended. You can't eat too much fruit, nor can you eat too many varieties. Note that in the table I have tabulated the average value; please be aware that sizes vary, as well as varieties of fruit.

Do's (Fruit Juices)
Fruit juices, like fruit, are generally low in sodium and rich in potassium. They can be used to offset a meal component that is not rich in potassium but is low in sodium. For example. a poached egg on Oroweat toast and a glass of apple juice are balanced in sodium and potassium, even though the egg itself is not. Except where noted, serving size is 8 ounces.

Don'ts (Fruit juices)
Any fresh fruit and fresh fruit juice is excellent on this plan. Therefore, the only don'ts are sugary processed juice drinks that contain only a small amount of real juice. Fruit is not canned or frozen with salt, so it is usually dine; similarly for fruit juice. You can't use too much of wither category.

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