How meat is prepared, including poultry, is important. In general, poultry is excellent for any dietary program. If it is roasted, broiled, or barbecued without skin, or the skin is removed after cooking, it is low in fat and excellent in sodium and potassium, but even poultry can be high in fat if not selected correctly. Meat should always be broiled or barbecued without sauces or salt. Condiments, such as garlic, onions, shallots, ginger, and other herbs an spices, add flavor and zest to meat without increasing either its fat or sodium content. In the meat section of the table, serving size is the standard 3.5 ounces.
In general, low-fat cuts of meat provide less than 25 percent of their calories as fat. Medium-fat cuts provide 26 to 40 percent of their calories as fat. Both low- and medium-fat cuts are acceptable on a weight-controlled diet.
These cuts of meat are fine for control of high-blood pressure, but because of their high fat content, they are recommended only occasionally and never on a weight-loss diet. Over 40 percent of their calories are derived from fat.
Organ meats are usually excessive in fat. Some some organ meats are so high in sodium that, even though it is not always sodium chloride, it is often excessive for our purposes.
Virtually no processed meats can be eaten by people following this plan to control high blood pressure. Processed meat, whether beef, veal, lamb, or chicken and turkey ersatz meats, such as turkey pastrami, bologna, and franks, is simply unacceptable. Since these food are unacceptable, I have not included sodium, potassium, or the K-factor ratio.
Beef to Avoid
- Beef burgundy
- Breakfast strips
- Corned beef
- Frozen meatloaf
- Frozen or canned chipped beef
- Frozen or canned salisbury steak
- Frozen or cnned sliced beef
- Bacon bits
- Canadian bacon
- Cured bacon
- Cured ham
- Ham loaf
- Ham steaks
- Sausages
- Sweet and sour pork
- Frozen veal parmigiana
- Barbecue loaf
- Bologna of all types
- Corned beef loaf
- Ftankfurter
- Loaves (olive, mother's, pepper, pickle, picnic)
- Mortadella
- Salami of all types
- Sandwich spreads
- Turkey ham, turkey loaf, pastrami
- Vienna sausage
- Seafood
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