Eye Failure
The blood vessels in the back of your eyes are extremely delicate and damage easily. If the blood vessels in your eyes are constantly strained and swollen by high blood pressure, they may burst in a retinal hemorrhage, or the vessels may actually separate from the back of the eye, resulting in a detached retina. The eye is the only place in your body where your doctor can look in and see your blood vessels, making it an important part of a doctor's examination to determine the extent of your high blood pressure. Clearly, keeping high blood pressure under control will protect your vision.
Kidney Failure
Your kidneys control the volume of your blood as it flows through your blood vessel and "clean" it of all types of toxins. Just as in your heart or brain, your kidneys are unable to operate if their flow of blood is slowed or halted. Inactive, they cannot remove the body's toxins. Wastes build up in the blood, eventually poisoning your entire body. All levels of untreated hypertension cause decreased kidney function. End stage disease, the last stage of destroyed kidneys, caused by high blood pressure, has gone up every year for the last decade and will probably worsen through the year 2000. Once your kidneys fail, you survive only with dialysis or a kidney transplant operation. One fourth of all dialysis patients in the United States lost their kidneys to the ravaging effects of hypertension. By controlling hypertension, you will protect yourself from damage to this very sensitive organ.
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