Eggs And Bread

Do's (Eggs)
In general, eggs are acceptable because the sodium is not in the form of sodium chloride and their protein quality is excellent.

Don'ts (Eggs)

Though eggs are acceptable on this eating plan, the method of preparation can cause trouble. If you fry, don't add salt to the oil. Omelets should be made with a few drops of Tabasco or horseradish in place of salt. They should always be vegetarian, with ingredients such as onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

Do's (Bread)

Orowear bread is the most readily available low-sodium bread. Two slices of this bread contain only 10 milligrams of sodium. Available in the frozen section, it thaws quickly and can be used for toast or for sandwiches. Its sodium content is insignificant.

Don'ts (Bread)

Breads and baked goods account for much of the hidden 5 to 10 grams of salt that American consume daily. If you like sandwiches and want to beat high blood pressure, you must learn to like Oroweat or other low-sodium bread. Not all grocers carry Oriweat bread, but other brands are available; usually in the frozen section. Be sure to ask.

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