Your body is an amazing creation, and your cardiovascular system is an incredible product of God's creative genius. Let's take a closer look at the amazing system of blood vessels and cells that make up your cardiovascular system.
Your cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and blood vessels. With each heartbeat, blood is released from the left ventricle into the aorta, which is a very large blood vessel that then transports the blood throughout the body. The heart is the pump, and the blood vessels are like pipes that circulate the blood.
Blood delivers oxygen and essential nutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fats, sugars and hormones, to all the cells in your body. The blood also removes waste products. The blood is then returned to the heart through the veins. After that it is sent to the lungs to receive a fresh supply of oxygen. And the process starts all over again.
The average pulse, which is the average heart rate, is approximately seventy beats a minute. The human heart never gets a break. It has to work continually day and night. It beats about forty-two hundred times an hour and over a hundred thousand times a day, which is over thirty-seven million times a year. When your blood pressure is normal, this presents is elevated, your heart must begin to work harder to pump the blood.
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