Fiber Supplements

I am always asked, "How do I know I am getting enough fiber." My answer is: You should have an easy bowel movement every twenty-four hours. The stools should be well formed, their color should be light brown, and preferably about 10 percent will float.

If you stools don't fit that profile, start using a good fiber supplement.

Metamucil is the standard against which I measure all fiber supplements. It is safe and consistent from one batch to the next. Select the version that is not artificially sweetened; it comes unflavored and orange flavor, either of which is fine. You can take as much Metamucil as you desire. Indeed, it is probably acceptable to take up to six or most tablespoon servings daily. This has been done in many clinical tests.

Drugstores have a wide selection of fiber supplements besides Metamucil. Most of them are made from psyllium seeds, which are mostly mucilage, a type of fiber. They don't contain the seed matrix, are gentle, and also work well. Mix about one or two heaping teaspoonfuls or one tablespoon with water and drink thirty minutes before a meal. Make sure the one you choose is only a fiber supplement and does not contain any laxative.

Some fiber produces contain senna leaf, an intestinal stimulant. Read the ingredients list carefully and avoid anything with senna. Some health food stores sell plant gums, the most common being guar gum, which is also the most effective fiber for lowering cholesterol. However, guar gum should be used carefully because too much will gum up the works, actually causing a blockage.

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